Clear your calendar for the day *before* the colonoscopy (trust!) but you should be fine afterwards as long as you have a couple hours to shake off the anesthetics.
I feel like you're referencing something... but yeah I think you'll regret that. not a health person or anyone with experience with colonoscopies, but still.
Clear your calendar for the day *before* the colonoscopy (trust!) but you should be fine afterwards as long as you have a couple hours to shake off the anesthetics.
I swear my vision got worse from the last time I had anesthesia. Like my retina didn’t fully wake up
go on and DJ. trust me, you'll be fine.
Gonna lay down on the couch and DJ like a Marvin Gaye studio session
do the gig! all songs in the set need a doodoo theme maybe?
Doo Brown into booty brown of the Parcyde?
Also, don’t go crazy with that first post-op meal. Agree w the Biz vibes from Greg Nice
So I’m not buggin!
definitely don't the the DJ set after the colonoscopy. that sounds like a terrible idea...
Would you say it is a shitty decision?
I feel like you're referencing something... but yeah I think you'll regret that. not a health person or anyone with experience with colonoscopies, but still.